The basement renovation is coming along bit by bit. The perimeter drain is done and exits out of the walls at either end so the water should run out by gravity. Better get some critter covers for the exits though! The electrician and plumber have been in and corrected various creative solutions of old that weren't to current code. The walls and ceilings are free of old and mildewed sheetrock and ceiling tiles, and the smell is giving way to that of new lumber as the bathroom gets rebuilt.
And I'm slowly healing from my fall (broken jaw and wrist), feeling a little more human as the days go by, a little less stunned. 3 weeks down, 3 to go, more or less. Then we'll see exactly how my teeth fared. I'm a bit tired of the liquid diet but tonight's mushroom soup puree was pretty good.
May you continue healing! Mushroom soup puree really really sounds good today, a rainy one. I clicked on the picture and it got big, so I saW THEM. BEAUTIFUL. ONE JANUARY WHEN I WAS IN THE DEPTHS OF DEPRESSION AND HAD TO BE AT WORK ON A SATURDAY, I LOOKED UP FROM MY DESK and looked out the window, and there were two bluebirds on a wire -- what a sign of hope! Caps a mistake, sorry.
I keep coming back to look at the photos and posts for another fix. It's been a rough week (again) and your blog has a healing vibe coming off it. Sending you the same across the pond, which you inspired me to take a photo of and post.
...jane was right- you click on the pic and those blue beauties pop right out for our continual visual entertainment, in our wonderful house!--- xx
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