The pond does interesting things this time of year. It was barely hard enough to walk on around Thanksgiving, but I didn't go far as it seemed dicey. Then it thawed all of a sudden night, then froze, thawed, etc. Thursday night we had the heavy rainstorm that was an ice storm elsewhere (the top of the hills around us, for example) and then it was in the teens last night and now there's a perfect sheet of black ice.
My newly acquired overbite is bothersome. An orthodontist tells me if I let him knock a few molars out there would be room to re-align the upper teeth with the lower teeth -- the lower jaw is evidently shorter than it used to be. I'm going to get a second opinion before embarking on what he projects to be a 2 year project. Until we get a good treatment plan in place my broken teeth remain as is, so I can only chew in one small area. Every new appointment requires a 2 week wait. Things proceed slowly. The rehabilitation on my wrist is coming along, I'm probably at about 50-70% of where I used to be in terms of strength and flexibility.
Good to hear from the hearth. I have no advice on the tooth situation: you look fine to me, but who knows...? I love seeing you and your dog. I think from time to time of my German Shepherd (aka Alsatian) granddogs, two of which are now gone (to the Church Triumphant, as my mother would say), and realize again that it is the most perfect breed, and that no matter how appealing the Shiba Inus (see puppycam) and boxers and mastiffs and Corgis are, the Shepherd is a most nearly perfect dog and is what I want when I'm ready to have another dog. Love and best wishes to you and yours, and best wishes for your orthodontistry -- Jane
... nice pic on the whole and i agree with jane: the german shepherd is the perfect dog! xx
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