Sun Apr 19, 9 PM. Clouds part way up but after about 45 degrees you can see the stars, big dipper at about 12:30 to the North star. Peepers loud and steady and soprano. Rustling in the leaves, slight. 40s. No moon, but the clouds reflect quite a bit of light and one can make things out. Neighbour's dog letting out high, short yips periodically.
Mon Apr 20, 9:30 AM. The wisteria have pushed out tiny, red-pink buds that look like tongue tips. I find it disconcerting: the Advance of the Wisteria begins. Dormancy broken. The glories are withering. The quince has feathery greenish buds now. The forsythia is 90% in bloom. Some of the shrubs are budding with small leaves, including the fragrant white-flowered one next to the forsythia. Grass is higher, 5 or 6 inches, and one type is a much different green, more blue in it I guess. The pond is rippled to the north now, and smoother to the south, the ripples are running steadily north, and on the smooth part from time to time a patch of ripples appears as if by magic, revealing tiny wind gusts strong enough to disturb water. The neighbour across the pond is busy in the nw corner of his lawn, building a patch of something. I stiffen as I see him walk into what I think of as "my" woods. Chickadee, red-wing blackbird. One of the later flies up the field into the maple, a blur of red and black. A titmouse lands in the beech: the 2nd bird in the beech. A few errant bugs. Cloudy, just enough wind to move the puschkinia a little. Upper 40s. And a spider! Tiny, with an orange-red body and a black head, building a web amongst grass stems. What will it catch?
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